National Cinemas Presentation

You (and your partner) will choose a national cinema from our textbook and develop a short presentation over that nation’s cinematic traditions and history.  In your presentation, you are required to show a short scene and develop an analysis of the film, with particular attention to the nation’s cultures, histories, and the representation of gender.

Project Requirements:

1.) Presentations must be 7-9 minutes in length, which includes a 2-3 minute short scene from a film.

2.) Students must develop a one-page handout for their classmates to follow (front and back).

a.) Side One of Handout: The handout must include a summary of the history and traditions provided by the textbook, as well as two additional scholarly sources that concern the history and/or cinematic conventions of that nation. Please include the MLA citations for these sources.

b.) Side Two of Handout: Include a short summary of the film you selected (150-200 words), two short summaries of film reviews on the film (75 words each) and the highlights of your analysis of the film in the scope of its national cinematic traditions and representation of gender.

3.) Students must end their presentation with a discussion question, so that the class may engage and expand on the presenters’ conclusions and analysis.

Selecting a Film:

Your textbook lists many examples of films in the readings on national cinemas. It would be best to select one of these films for your project. However, if you would like to cover another film not mentioned in your textbook that may be possible.

*All groups are required to email me the title of their selected film at least two weeks before the presentation date. I must approve your film selected for this project.  

You may want to consider the availability of the film before you make your selection.  

2388-001 (10:00am) 
2388-002 (11:00am)